The LRSV hosts the MetaToul-AgromiX facility. This facility is dedicated to the analysis of plant metabolites as well as fungal and bacterial metabolites that may be involved in biotic interactions.

The MetaToul-AgromiX facility is part of the Metabolomics and Fluxomics Platform of Toulouse MetaToul, a technological platform of GenoToul. It brings together scientific and technical expertise (researchers, engineers, technicians) and resources (state-of-the-art equipment: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Mass Spectrometry, Sample Preparation Robots) in the field of comprehensive metabolism analysis. MetaToul provides the scientific community with concepts, tools, and methods related to metabolism analysis in cells, tissues, and organisms.

The MetaToul platform, labeled IBISA, is committed to a quality and environmental approach that is an essential tool for the continuous improvement of its operation, environmental consideration, and the quality of platform services while having a vision of the platform’s environmental impact. It is certified ISO 9001 and NFX-50-900.

MetaToul is a partner of the National Infrastructure Project in Metabolomics and Fluxomics MetaboHUB, led by Fabien Jourdan, along with the platforms in Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Grand-Ouest, and Île-de-France.

Services and Analyses Offered by the MetaToul-AgromiX

The MetaToul-AgromiX platform can be utilized by the public and private scientific community for qualitative and quantitative analyses of plant and microbial metabolites to:
  • Provide services to meet occasional needs
  • Develop new methods. Collaboration or partnership can be established in the context of the development and implementation of research projects
  • Provide access to analytical instruments.

Global Metabolomics Analysis (Untargeted Metabolomics) 

Analysis by U-HPLC-HR MS and MS/MS (Q Exactive Plus) with peak annotation in positive and negative modes, using level 1, 2, and 3 databases. Analyses are performed according to one or all of the following chromatographic methods:

      • C18 – semi-polar compounds
      • Hilic – polar compounds
      • Lipidomique – apolar compounds

HORMONOMICS (targeted metabolomic)

Analysis of phytohormones by U-HPLC-MRM (Q-Trap 5500, AB Sciex).

Non-exhaustive list.


Abscissic acid (ABA)

Abscissic acid glycosil ester (ABA-GE)


Indole-3-acetic acid(AIA)

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA)

Indole-3-propionic acid (IPROPA) I

ndole-3-acetyl-L-alanine (AIA-Ala)

Indole-3-acetyl-L-aspartic acid (AIA-Asp)

Indole-3-acetyl-glycine (AIA-Gly)

Indole-3-acetyl-L-glutamic acid (AIA-Glu)

Indole-3-acetamide (IAM)

Indole 3-acétonitrile (IAN) I

ndole-3-pyruvic acid  (IPyA)

2-oxoindole-3-acetic acid (oxAIA)

α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA, auxine de synthèse)


Jasmonic Acid (JA)

Jasmonyl-Phenylalanine (JA-Phe)

Jasmonyl-Isoleucine (JA-Iso)

Jasmonic Acid methyl ester (MeJA)


Dihydrozeatin (DHZ)

Dihydrozeatin riboside (DHZR)

Dihydrozeatin-7-glucoside (DHZ7G)

Dihydrozeatin-9-glucoside (DHZ9G)

N6-isopentenyladenine (iP)

N6-isopentenyladenine-7-glucoside (iP7G)

N6-isopentenyladenine-9-glucoside (iP9G)

N6-Isopentenyladenosine (iPR)

Zeatin (Z)

Zeatin-7-glucoside (Z7G)

Zeatin-9-glucoside  (Z9G)

Zeatin-O-glucoside (ZOG)

Zeatin riboside (ZR)

Zeatin riboside-O-glucoside (ZROG)

2-methylthio-isopentenyladenosine (2MeS-iPR)

Topolin, meta (m-Topo)

N6-benzyladenine (BA)

Kinetin (K)


GA1 – GA3 – GA4 – GA5 – GA7 – GA24


Free salicylic acid (SA)


Specific analysis, contact Agromix

Strigol, Sorgolactone, Orobanchol 5-desoxy strigol, GR24


Specific analysis, contact Agromix

Brassinolide (BR)

Research and Développement Activities

A collaboration or partnership can be established in the context of research projects.

  • Global Metabolomics:

Dereplication of a complex extract

Multivariate analyses (classification, regressions, discriminant analyses)

Multi-omics approaches




  • Targeted Metabolomics:

Plant metabolites: phytoalexins, alkaloids, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, phytohormones, etc.

Microbial metabolites: lipochitooligosaccharides (LCOs), chitooligosaccharides (COS), etc.




  • Imaging by Mass Spectrometry:

Using mass spectrometry imaging equipment from MetaToul-Axiom (MALDI) and MetaToul-FluxoMet (DESI)



  • FragHub: A mass spectral libraries data integration workflow.

Axel Dablanc, Solweig Hennechart, Amélie Pérez, Guillaume Cabanac, Yann Guitton, Emilien Jamin, Bernard Lyan, Nils Paulhe, Franck Giacomoni, Guillaume Marti. Anal. Chem . 2024. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

  • Deciphering Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Wood Responses to Grapevine Trunk Disease-Associated Fungi.

Ana Romeo-Oliván, Justine Chervin, Coralie Breton, Virginie Puech-Pagès, Sylvie Fournier, Guillaume Marti, Olivier Rodrigues, Jean Daydé, Bernard Dumas, and Alban Jacques. PhytoFrontiers, 2024. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

  • Root-associated Streptomyces produce galbonolides to modulate plant immunity and promote rhizosphere colonization

Clément Nicolle, Damien Gayrard, Alba Noël, Marion Hortala, Aurélien Amiel, Sabine Grat, Aurélie Le Ru, Guillaume Marti, Jean-Luc Pernodet, Sylvie Lautru, Bernard Dumas, Thomas Rey.   The ISME Journal, wrae112, 2024. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

    • The mycoparasite Pythium oligandrum induces legume pathogen resistance and shapes rhizosphere microbiota without impacting mutualistic interactions.

    Hashemi M, Amiel A, Zouaoui M, Adam K, Clemente HS, Aguilar M, Pendaries R, Couzigou JM, Marti G, Gaulin E, Roy S, Rey T, Dumas B. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1156733. 2023. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1156733. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

    • Metabotyping of Andean pseudocereals and characterization of emerging mycotoxins.

    Pedro G Vásquez-Ocmín, Guillaume Marti, Alice Gadea, Guillaume Cabanac, Juan A Vásquez-Briones, Sandro Casavilca-Zambrano, Nadia Ponts, Patricia Jargeat, Mohamed Haddad, Stéphane Bertani. Food Chemistry, 407, 135134. 2023   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

    • Cyclitol metabolism is a central feature of Burkholderia leaf symbionts.

    Bram Danneels, Monique Blignaut, Guillaume Marti, Simon Sieber, Peter Vandamme, Marion Meyer, Aurélien Carlier. Environmental Microbiology, 25(2), 454-472. 2023. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    • Transition to ripening in tomato requires hormone-controlled genetic reprogramming initiated in gel tissue

    Ximena Chirinos, Shiyu Ying, Maria Aurineide Rodrigues, Elie Maza, Anis Djari, Guojian Hu, Mingchun Liu, Eduardo Purgatto, Sylvie Fournier, Farid Regad, Mondher Bouzayen, Julien Pirrello. Plant Physiology, 191(1). 2023. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    • Deciphering anti-infectious compounds from Peruvian medicinal Cordoncillos extract library through multiplexed assays and chemical profiling.

    Vásquez-Ocmín, P. G., Cojean, S., Roumy, V., Marti, G., Pomel, S., Gadea, A., … & Maciuk, A.  Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, 1100542. 2023.  

    Publications (more)
    • Comparative Transcriptomics Suggests Early Modifications by Vintec® in Grapevine Trunk of Hormonal Signaling and Secondary Metabolism Biosynthesis in Response to Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phaeoacremonium minimum.

    Ana, Romeo-Oliván, Justine Chervin, Coralie Breton, Thierry Lagravère, Jean Daydé, Bernard Dumas, Alban Jacques. Frontiers in microbiology, 13, 898356. 2022


    • Wild Wheat Rhizosphere-Associated Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria Exudates: Effect on Root Development in Modern Wheat and Composition.

    Houssein, Zhour, Fabrice Bray , Israa Dandache, Guillaume Marti, Stéphanie Flament, Amélie Perez, Maëlle Lis, Llorenç Cabrera-Bosquet, Thibaut Perez, Cécile Fizames, Ezekiel Baudoin, Ikram Madani, Loubna El Zein, Anne Aliénor Véry, Christian Rolando, Hervé Sentenac, Ali Chokr, Jean-Benoît Peltier. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(23), 15248. 2022.


    • Metabolomic characterization of 5 native Peruvian chili peppers (Capsicum spp.) as a tool for species discrimination.

    Fabio, Espichán , Rosario Rojas , Fredy Quispe, Guillaume Cabanac, Guillaume Marti. Food Chemistry, 386, 132704. 2022.


    • Modification of Early Response of Vitis Vinifera to Pathogens Relating to Esca Disease and Biocontrol Agent Vintec® Revealed By Untargeted Metabolomics on Woody Tissues.

    Chervin, Justine, Ana Romeo-Oliván, Sylvie Fournier, Virginie Puech-Pages, Bernard Dumas, Alban Jacques, and Guillaume Marti. 2022Frontiers in Microbiology 13.


    • Cannabinoids vs. Whole Metabolome: Relevance of Cannabinomics in Analyzing Cannabis Varieties

    Vásquez-Ocmín, Pedro G., Guillaume Marti, Maxime Bonhomme, Fabienne Mathis, Sylvie Fournier, Stéphane Bertani, and Alexandre Maciuk. Analytica chimica acta, 1184, 339020. 2021.


    • Metabolomic Approach of the Antiprotozoal Activity of Medicinal Piper Species Used in Peruvian Amazon

    Vásquez-Ocmín, Pedro G., Alice Gadea, Sandrine Cojean, Guillaume Marti, Sébastien Pomel, Anne-Cécile Van Baelen, Liliana Ruiz-Vásquez, et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 264, 113262. 2021


    • Lipid Interactions Between Flaviviruses and Mosquito Vectors

    Vial, Thomas, Guillaume Marti, Dorothée Missé, et Julien Pompon.  Frontiers in Physiology 12,  763195. 2021,


    • Phenolic profile of a Parma violet unveiled by chemical and fluorescence imaging

    Khatib, C. Pouzet, C. Lafitte, J. Chervin, V. Bonzon-Ponnet, A. Jauneau, M.-T. Esquerré-Tugayé, , AoB PLANTS,  plab041, 2021;


    • MS-CleanR: A Feature-Filtering Workflow for Untargeted LC–MS Based Metabolomics.

    Fraisier-Vannier, O.; Chervin, J.; Cabanac, G.; Puech, V.; Fournier, S.; Durand, V.; Amiel, A.; André, O.; Benamar, O. A.; Dumas, B.; Tsugawa, H.; Marti, G.  Anal. Chem. Analytical chemistry, 92(14), 9971-9981. 2020,


    • Mosquito Metabolomics Reveal That Dengue Virus Replication Requires Phospholipid Reconfiguration via the Remodeling Cycle.

    Vial, T.; Tan, W.-L.; Deharo, E.; Missé, D.; Marti, G.; Pompon, J. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 202015095. 2020,


    • Phytohormone production by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis.

    Pons, S., Fournier, S., Chervin, C., Becard, G., Rochange, S., Frei-dit-frey, N., and Puech-Pagès, V.  PLoS ONE, 15(10):e0240886. 2020.


    • Lipo-chitooligosaccharides as regulatory signals of fungal growth and development.

    Rush, T.A., Puech-Pagès, V., Bascaules, A., Jargeat, P., Maillet, F., Haouy, A., et al. Nat Commun 11. 2020


    • Distinct genetic bases for plant root responses to molecules from distinct microbial origins.

    Bonhomme, M., Bensmihen, S., André, O., Amblard, E., Garcia, M., Maillet, F., Puech-Pagès, V. et al.  Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 72, Issue 10, 4 May 2021, Pages 3821–3834. 2020.


    • The Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Laccaria bicolor Produces Lipochitooligosaccharides and Uses the Common Symbiosis Pathway to Colonize Populus Roots.

    Cope, K.R., Bascaules, A., Irving, T.B., Venkateshwaran, M., Maeda, J., Garcia, K., …, Puech-Pagès, V,… et al.  Plant Cell 31: 2386–2410. 2019.


    • Short chain chito-oligosaccharides promote arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in Medicago truncatula.

    Volpe, V., Carotenuto, G., Berzero, C., Cagnina, L., Puech-Pagès, V., and Genre, A. Carbohydr Polym 229: 115505. 2019.


    • Laccaria bicolor MiSSP8 is a small-secreted protein decisive for the establishment of the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis.

    Pellegrin, C., Daguerre, Y., Ruytinx, J., Guinet, F., Kemppainen, M., Frey, N.F. dit, Puech-Pagès, V., et al.  Environ Microbiol 21: 3765–3779. 2019.



    Provisions and training of users

    The staff at the MetaToul-AgromiX facility can provide training adapted to your needs: sample preparation, use of analytical equipment, and data processing.

    Equipment available at the MetaToul-AgromiX facility includes:

    • U-HPLC-MS Q-Exactive Plus (Thermo Scientific), with HR-MS, UV, and CAD detection
    • U-HPLC-MS QTrap 5500 (AB Sciex)
    • Sample preparation systems

    Acces procedure

    An access procedure has been defined by the MetaToul-AgromiX platform as follows:

    1. The requester contacts the MetaToul-AgromiX platform using the MetaboHub project request site (MAMA) :

    A unique project number will be assigned to your project to ensure traceability of communications.

    2. The platform manager will contact you to discuss the project, evaluate it, and decide whether to accept or reject it. The project may be redirected to another facility within the MetaToul platform or another platform in the MetaboHUB infrastructure.

    3. Once the project is accepted, a project manager is appointed.

    A “study and service proposal” along with a “price proposal” will be sent to you. These documents will include the conditions and commitments, execution modalities, timelines, and cost.

    4. After agreement between the requester and AgromiX, the University of Toulouse 3 will send a quote that serves as a contract to the requester.

    5. Upon receipt of the signed purchase order, the requester sends the samples to the AgromiX platform.

    6. The service is performed. A results report is sent to the requester.

    7. The University of Toulouse 3 sends the invoice to the requester.


    Guillaume Marti ( Director of the MetaToul-AgromiX facility (Associate Professor in Pharmacognosy, Metabolomics)

    Sylvie Fournier ( : Technical and Operational Manager of the MetaToul-AgromiX facility, Quality Manager of the facility (Mass Spectrometry Research Engineer)

    Amélie Pérez (amé : Assistant Engineer in Chemical Analysis

    Virginie Puech-Pagès  ( : Associate Professor in Biochemistry, Mass Spectrometry  

    Recruited on Projects:

    Axel Dablanc : Bioinformatics Research Engineer

    Solweig Hennechart : Bioinformatics PhD Student




    Feel free to visit us, call us, or send us an email to discuss your project!


    Tel : +33 5 34 32 38 31



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